Dental assistant jobs part time online Ca
Find dental assistant jobs part time online Ca, search jobs free to all job seekers.
The Bad and Good of finding part time dental jobs.
The BAD part to dental assistant jobs part time online Ca. Some employers lack common sense when it comes to hiring part time employees.
- Most employers hiring part time dental assistants do not think of the employee’s cost of living requirements.
- Dental employers need to pay higher hourly rates to attract staff that will work part-time.
- The biggest mistake dental employers make is to send workers home if their schedules fall apart.
- High turnover is a result of employers not ensuring fixed hours promised when employee was hired.
- Lack of hours is the number one reason dental employees leave.
The GOOD part to dental assistant jobs part time online Ca is: Dental agencies are more likely to get you more money as a part-time dental assistant.
- Dental employment agencies can negotiate more money for part time dental assistants.
- New dental practices are more likely to hire part time dental assistants because they are establishing their patient base.
- Dental assistants registered with dental employment agencies can supplement days with temporary jobs.
- Established the dental agency will have a larger pool of dental clients seeking part-time dental assistants jobs.
- As an established dental recruiter since 1986, we have a large number of dental employers seeking part time dental assistants.
Solutions for the new dental practice, or the employers seeking part time dental employees: 
- Dental employers with new practices can post ads here www.dentaljobsplus.com or call local dental agency in your area.
- Hiring temporary staff from dental employment agencies, while building your patient base, can save money when your schedule falls apart.
- Seek out established dental agencies in your local area that can help coordinate suitable staff to fit your work schedule.
- Consider paying more money to part-time dental assistants on your busiest days.