Part -Time Dental Assistant

I'm hard working, a fast learner, always willing to gain more knowledge on a day to day basis, and very ambitious when I have a goal to reach. I went to school to become a dental assistant at Charter College, interned at Dr. Mendoza's office in Canyon Country, and am currently working for Dr. K. Rosen in Valencia. I have been working for Dr. Rosen for past 2 months. My goals are to get a second job to cover the days that I'm not working at Dr. Rosen's office, pay off my student loans, gain as much experience as possible, and become an RDA as soon as I can.

Phone Number


Certificate @ Charter College
Jul 2017 — May 2018


Dental Assistant @ Dr. K Rosen DDS
Jun 2018 — Current
Dental Assistant @ Dr. Mendoza DDS
Apr 2018 — May 2018
Cashier @ Customer Service
Mar 2017 — May 2018

Certifications & Licenses

I have received my BLS license and I have received certificates for coronal polishing and sealants.

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