I have worked front office dental for well over 27 years and LOVE the interaction with patients and staff!
I have worked front office dental for well over 27 years and LOVE the interaction with patients and staff!
  • Winnetka, California
  • 09/30/2018

I have served as an an office manager, but am not necessarily looking for that position. Any type of receptionist/front office worker would be delightful. I have tons of experience with heavy phones, maintaining a busy schedule, collections, and insurance filing and follow-up. I also have a bit of experience with the back office and I can set up a room very fast, and also never mind helping out with sterilization of instruments. Front office, however, is my forte, and I absolutely love getting to know people and helping patients achieve better dental health affordably. I have worked with all PPO insurances (no HMO), plus Care Credit.

I will furnish a written resume and references at any future interview.

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